Globalization And It’s Effect On Indigenous Knowledge
Impact & Effect of Globalization on Indigenous Communities, International initiatives to protect Indigenous communities and their KnowledgeAbstract
Globalization was a phenomenon that changed the scenario of each country and opened boundaries and borders without any barriers or restrains. Globalization was a much needed policy to open trade doors among the countries but it also opened dispute doors and at that point of time proper and adequate laws were not prevalent especially in relation to Intellectual Property Rights and more specifically Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous People. This research article aims to find answers with what impact has Globalization caused over the Indigenous knowledge and whether the current regimes present at the International Level are sufficient for the Indigenous People’s protection. The First Part of this research paper introduces as to what globalization means and Traditional Knowledge is and how are they inter-related to each other. The Second Part of the research paper aims to analyse what impact has globalization has caused over Traditional Knowledge and its holders over the years. The Third Part of the research paper aims to analyse the instruments for protection over the years for Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous People and to analyse the current instruments are sufficient enough for protecting the Rights of the Indigenous People in this globalized era. The Fourth Part of the research paper is the conclusion of the article stating the impacts.