An Investigation Of Happiness Education Situation In Three Middle Schools In Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China


  • Ren Juan & Muhantha Paramalingam Author


Happiness Education, Middle Schools, China


There’s great significance of ‘Happiness Education’ in Middle Schools in China. Middle school education (aged from 13-15) is an extremely important stage of education. This period often lays the foundation for human future development and happiness. The neglection of happiness education in this period may cause effects on personal and social problems. The objects of this article are to discover and analyze the current happiness education situation in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China through surveys from five dimensions of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and then to enhance the situation by multiple theories and practical activities one by one in the future. Quantitative survey description method is used in the study with the technique of SPSS in the analysis part. The online survey consists of three main parts: the conception of happiness, the happiness status and happiness influencing factors. The results of happiness education situation of the three middle school students are generally not optimistic. The findings on these factors show implementing happiness education is to enable middle school students to learn more about the theory of happiness, truly feel happiness, better understand happiness in family, campus, and social activities, and create and share happiness in practice. More comprehensive studies can be carried out in the future by taking samples from schools in different provinces to increase generalizability (Telef, Bülent Baki, 2020). It is recommended to cross domain, cross culture, and data drive while doing related research.





