Creation and Evaluation of a Music Appreciation Curriculum for University Music Students: A Case Study of Music Appreciation Course of Four Universities in Jiangsu Province
Creation and Evaluation, Music Appreciation CourseAbstract
Music colleges must adapt to decentralization challenges in talent cultivation by engaging stakeholders and exploring innovative models. Traditional management concepts are insufficient, and a diversified governance model is needed. Simplifying music major departments will improve talent cultivation quality. The study aims to compare music appreciation courses from four universities, including course structure, content, and teaching methods and to construct a new music appreciation course plan. This research is in Jiangsu Province, and population and sample is the undergraduate music talent cultivation quality in the four universities in Jiangsu Province. The research lasted for 11 months. The entire process, from data collection to final data analysis and thesis writing, took a total of 6 months. The research utilized unstructured interviews, a non-standardized method, for thematic data collection. The case study is a research method that focuses on the quality of a problem, exploring its development, reasons, and outcomes through specific samples or events. Data analysis is analyzed and designed as part of a teaching plan. The survey results and explanation: reliability test explored that The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure for internal factors is 0.911, well above the acceptable threshold of 0.8, suggesting that the variables are apt for factor analysis, thereby confirming the scale's validity. Additionally, Bartlett’s test of sphericity yields a significance level of 0.000, which is below the 0.01 threshold, indicating strong correlations among the measurement factors of Internal Factors. The Investigation and Analysis of Course Standards were based on the survey reveals that all four universities have their own "Music Appreciation Course Standards," which guide all activities in teaching music appreciation courses, emphasizing their significance. The correlation analysis of teachers' dimensions revealed significant correlations between internal factors, external factors, clearly defined standards and objectives, model and structure, initiative and engagement, and the creation and evaluation of music appreciation courses. The study confirms that internal factors significantly influence the creation and evaluation of music appreciation courses for university students. The correlation analysis shows a strong positive correlation between internal factors and course creation and evaluation.