Using Ho Chi Minh's Ideology, Examine The Role Of Innovation And Technological Development In National Progress


  • Ngo Thi Huyen Trang, Nguyen Thi Thu Ha Author


Ho Chi Minh, innovation, scientific development, technology, national progress


Ho Chi Minh's philosophy underscores the essential importance of technological and scientific innovation in national development and advancement. He promoted the acquisition of global knowledge, the advancement of domestic research, and the dissemination of scientific understanding to the public. Ho Chi Minh acknowledged the inherent significance of human resource development and understood that advancements in science and technology are essential for economic and social growth. His idea for national restoration sought to eradicate colonial vestiges while establishing a modern, autonomous, and innovative society. This study examines the fundamental components of Ho Chi Minh's worldview towards innovation, the advancement of science and technology, and their significance in contemporary society. This article underscores the relevance of Ho Chi Minh’s views in Vietnam’s contemporary innovation-driven development strategy by examining his focus on human resources, domestic and international collaboration, and institutional frameworks.





